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Is there any way to increase the YouTube API v3 Quota Limits?


Is there a way to (paid or unpaid) to increase the 5,000,000 units/day quota limit imposed when using version 3 of the YouTube API?

I have read that a video upload alone uses 16,000 units - this equates to only ~312 videos a day.

I have signed up for 'billing' but still don't get an option to increase from the "courtesy limit" of 5 million.

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Joe Avatar asked Jun 17 '13 18:06


People also ask

How do I increase my quota limit on YouTube API?

If you have been audited in the past 12 months and have been marked compliant by YouTube API Services Team, you can apply for an additional quota extension using this form. If YouTube denies the application for an additional quota extension, you can file an appeal by using this form.

Does YouTube API have a limit?

You can find the quota available to your application in the API Console. Projects that enable the YouTube Data API have a default quota allocation of 10,000 units per day, an amount sufficient for the overwhelming majority of our API users.

How do I increase quota in Google API?

Search and enable the Google Tasks API in the library of the API Console. Click on Manage > Quotas to see your usage. Go to Quotas page and filter by Google Tasks API , there is a link on the last window. Select all the quotas that you want to modify by clicking on its Limit name and then on Global.

How many YouTube API calls per day?

You can use 10,000 units per day.

Why does the YouTube Data API use a quota?

The YouTube Data API uses a quota to ensure that developers use the service as intended and do not create applications that unfairly reduce service quality or limit access for others. All API requests, including invalid requests, incur at least a one-point quota cost. You can find the quota available to your application in the API Console.

How much quota do I need for my API request?

All API requests, including invalid requests, incur at least a one-point quota cost. You can find the quota available to your application in the API Console. Projects that enable the YouTube Data API have a default quota allocation of 10,000 units per day, an amount sufficient for the overwhelming majority of our API users.

How many Quota units are required to upload a single video?

The YouTube API website says that 1600 quota units are required to upload a single video to the YouTube website through the videos.insert method of the YouTube API.

What is the Google Cloud quota limit for YouTube?

Thus, for instance, if you are expecting users to upload 100 videos to your YouTube channel in a single day, your Google Cloud project should have a quota of at least 1600 * 100 = 160,000 units. The quota limits reset every 24 hours.

1 Answers

Yes, there is an elaborate form for applying for higher quota.

It is linked in the developer console for example at: http://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/youtube-json.googleapis.com/quotas?project=YOURPROJECTID

The form starts off with some statements:

This Application will ask you detailed questions about:

(i) your business, (ii) your use of each YouTube API (current and proposed use, as applicable), and (iii) each of your website or software application that uses or will use YouTube API(s) (each an “API Client”).

This application also requires you to submit screenshots and design documents relating to your API Client(s) and your use of YouTube API(s). If you do not have these ready, please apply once these are available.

We will strive to respond to your application as soon as possible, provided that, all required supporting materials are submitted and sufficient, and all questions are thoroughly answered.

Note: Please do not apply for more quota unless you are actually close to hitting your current limit.

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VidSpz Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
