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Is there any way to grab a slice to the end of an anonymous array in Perl?



So this has been making me go bonkers for the last half hour. Is there any way for me to grab an array slice to the end of an anonymous array? I've tried:

(split(' ',$test_line))[1..$#_]

and I've tried: (split(' ',$test_line))[1..-1]

but aggravatingly, neither of those work. I really don't want to have an extra temp variable instantiated to the intermediate array (which I don't need). And I really don't want to use an ugly and unreadable one liner (found a few of those online). Is there really no straight forward way to do this?

like image 297
Eli Avatar asked Nov 01 '10 21:11


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2 Answers

A list, which is what you have in your example, can not be sliced from the end. This is mainly because lists are not proper data structures in Perl, but more a construct that the interpreter uses to move data around. So knowing that you can only slice a list from the begining, your options are to either put it in an array variable and then slice, change your algorithm to return what you want, or the following:

If you are assigning this value to something, you can use undef in each slot you dont want:

 my (undef, @list) = split ' ' => $test_line;

If you post some more code, I can revise.

Alternatively, you can use some tools from functional programming. The pair of functions drop and take can be useful to resize a list without additional variables:

sub take {
    my $n = shift;
sub drop {
    my $n = shift;

and then your example becomes

drop 1, split ' ' => $test_line;

drop 1 is also commonly called tail

sub tail {drop 1, @_}

and of course, since all of these are so short, if you wanted to inline it:

sub {shift; @_}->(split ' ' => ...)
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Eric Strom Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10

Eric Strom

When the OP said slice, I thought of splice:

@allTheWordsExceptTheFirstTwo = splice @{[split' ', $test_line]}, 2;
@allExceptTheFirstAndLastTwo = splice @{[split' ', $test_line]}, 2, -2;
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socket puppet Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10

socket puppet