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Is there any way to get ios4 simulators on Xcode 4.4.1 Mountain Lion? [closed]

Firstly I will explain my problem with trying to an support ios4+ app on Xcode 4.4.1, then I have 3 questions below, I appreciate any answers that may help me.

I have happily used various versions of Xcode for a while and recently upgraded to Xcode 4.4.1 and ML. In the past it has always been possible to copy in the older simulator sdks to the relevant folder in the Xcode package contents, this technique no longer works.

The advertisement for Xcode 4.4.1 reads with this extract:

"Xcode includes a new 'Downloads' preference pane to install optional components such as command line tools, and previous iOS Simulators"

This convinced me that I would be able to get old simulators to work, but in my experience this far, you can only get one singular old simulator (ios 5.0). The extract above would indicate you could get access to more than one old simulator as it uses the plural "previous ios simulators".


You may also get the option to download ios4.3 simulator if you have updated to Xcode 4.4.1 before installing Mountain Lion. However the simulator will not work once you have ML and 4.4.1.


I have been able to test using a personal device (iphone) running ios4.3 but this is not an ideal way for me to test. I support down to ios4.0 so ideally like to check my code with ios simulators for ios4.0, ios4.1, ios4.2, and ios4.3.

I like to use the latest Xcode and ML but it seems my best option may be to roll back to an older Xcode on Lion.


1) Is there any way to get functional ios4 simulators on Xcode 4.4.1 Mountain Lion?

2) Are there any plans to allow ios4 simulators in a new version or have Apple deliberately blocked this?

3) Are there other developers in this position, that can advise what is the best measure? Are people holding off / rolling back from Xcode 4.4.1 on ML?


SECOND EDIT - My Work Around Solution

As I have had it confirmed ios4 simulators are not supported on Xcode 4.4.1 (ML) and the advice is you should test on a device.

I decided I still needed a version of lion with xcode 4.3.3 on it somewhere so I could access ios 4 simulators. Therefore on my imac I set up a virtual machine via vmware that run osx 10.7 lion. On this virtual machine I installed Xcode 4.3.3 and the old simulators now I have them available for when I want to test any ios4 issues :).

This solution has cost me 28gb in memory space on my imac but Im happy I have mountain lion running on my main machine and a virtual machine with lion running and xcode 4.3.3. It may seem like a lot of trouble but what are the other options?

Another solution is maybe ask the user Popeye how he is claiming to have done it. I have tried to find out but not got anything apart from irrelevant information and requests to delete the question.


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user1600350 Avatar asked Aug 15 '12 10:08


1 Answers

I have just commented but I have also just done it so yes it can be done.

open xcode and in the top menu go to xcode >> preferences >> Downloads and you will be given the option to download old sdks to use with xcode. You can also download command line tools and Device Debugging Support.

Remember to set your project to Deployment Target to ever that version or an earlier version in your target settings (Summary)


Here is a link to the Apple developer downloads section you will require a username and password to login. once in deselect all search options except iOS and there you will find all the iOS's that are available to you. Be aware though that if you have anything that is in a later version and not in the previous version of iOS it will crash e.g. Storyborads (Introduced in iOS 5).

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Popeye Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11
