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Is there any way to avoid sub queries?

I have following sample data in TEST table:

f1 varchar(50) NULL,
f2 varchar(50) NULL,
flag int NULL);

INSERT INTO [test]([f1],[f2],[flag]) VALUES('P','a',1);
INSERT INTO [test]([f1],[f2],[flag]) VALUES('P','b',0);
INSERT INTO [test]([f1],[f2],[flag]) VALUES('Q','c',1);
INSERT INTO [test]([f1],[f2],[flag]) VALUES('Q','d',0);
INSERT INTO [test]([f1],[f2],[flag]) VALUES('R','e',1);
INSERT INTO [test]([f1],[f2],[flag]) VALUES('S','f',0);

I want this result:

f1  f2whenFlagIs1   f2whenFlagIs0
P   a               b
Q   c               d
R   e               NULL
S   NULL            f

the following query has been written to have the same results:

SELECT isnull(test1.f1,test0.f1) f1, test1.f2 f2whenFlagIs1 , test0.f2 AS f2whenFlagIs0
(select * from test where flag = 1) AS test1  full JOIN
(select * from test where flag = 0) AS test0 
ON test1.f1 = test0.f1

Is there any way to avoid sub queries?

like image 352
abdkok Avatar asked Jan 17 '14 21:01


People also ask

How do you avoid subqueries?

Change the EXISTS statement to a JOIN statement to avoid nested subqueries and reduce the execution time from 1.93 seconds to 1 millisecond.

Should you avoid subquery?

No, the presence of subqueries does not necessarily mean a database schema is poorly designed. Correlated subqueries should be used sparingly (i.e. when an inner condition refers to an outer clause). Other than that, subqueries are often a useful and a natural way of solving a problem.

What we can use instead of subquery in SQL?

Subquery Within the IN Clause Another subquery that is easily replaced by a JOIN is the one used in an IN operator. In this case, the subquery returns to the outer query a list of values.

Are subqueries bad practice?

Subqueries are usually fine unless they are dependent subqueries (also known as correlated subqueries). If you are only using independent subqueries and they are using appropriate indexes then they should run quickly.

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1 Answers

Here are two ways, given the sample data, assuming that there can only be one value for every combination of f1 + flag:

  f2WhenFlagIs1 = MAX(CASE WHEN flag = 1 THEN f2 END),
  f2WhenFlagIs0 = MAX(CASE WHEN flag = 0 THEN f2 END)


SELECT f1, f2WhenFlagIs1 = [1], f2WhenFlagIs0 = [0]
PIVOT (MAX(f2) FOR flag IN ([0],[1])) AS p;

If you can have more than one value for any given f1, flag pair, you'll need to better define your desired results.

like image 54
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Aaron Bertrand