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Is there any simulator for ESP32-S2 or ESP32 chips?



I am working on an esp project and compiled my code by using the esp32s2 toolchain and created a binary that ready to run on a real device. But I don't have a real device to test my binary. Is there any simulator to simulate the ESP32-S2 chip or the ESP32 chip?

like image 779
SayMyName Avatar asked Apr 30 '21 08:04


People also ask

Is there any simulator for ESP32?

Wokwi Simulator is a free, online, and easy-to-use tool to simulate the ESP32 projects. It also supports Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega, and other projects.

Does ESP32-S2 have Bluetooth?

Please note, this is a single-core 240 MHz chip so it won't be as fast as ESP32's with dual-core. Also, there is no Bluetooth support. However, we are super excited about the ESP32-S2's native USB which unlocks a lot of capabilities for advanced interfacing!

Is ESP32 available in Proteus?

This board is larger and designed to make it possible to add your own circuitry to make a complete IoT solution on one board. It includes a dual-core 240 MHz ESP32 with WiFi and Bluetooth. You can use the WiFi both in station (device) mode and access point mode.

What is the difference between ESP32 and esp32s2?

The new ESP32-S2 has dropped ballast while including new interesting features to look more appealing to the IoT devices market. It's a lower cost than the ESP32 and USB-OTG, LCD, and camera support are great features for certain use cases.

1 Answers

You can use Wokwi to simulate the ESP32, and soon also the ESP32-S2.The Wokwi is a free online simulator for electronics, and it runs in your browser. This means you can simulate code that interacts with 3rd-party sensors, display modules, LEDs and many other common parts. There's also initial support for WiFi simulation, and the developers are working on extending it to support connecting to any host on the internet (e.g. HTTPS/MQTT)

Simulator Examples

Arduino Examples


Seven segment counter

APA102 Color Cycles (TinyPico Board)

WiFi Scanning

MicroPython Examples

SSD1306 Example


WiFi Scanning

ESP-IDF Examples

The following examples use the ESP-IDF functions. They are compiled using Arduino ESP32 Core:

Blink using FreeRTOS API

Binary LED counter using FreeRTOS tasks

GPIO button input + interrupts


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User323693 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
