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Is there any point in using a prepared statement on a password_hash value?

When using the password_hash() function to generate a hashed password is there any reason why I would want to use a prepared statement when inserting it into the database?

My assumption is that I do not need to use a prepared statement for the password but for consistency's sake it doesn't hurt to use one.

Additional question:

If I am using the PASSWORD_DEFAULT parameter of the password_hash function, it will currently use the bcrypt algorithm but can be replaced with a different algorithm in the future. Would a future algorithm ever use a single quote or some other symbol that might break the SQL statement if I do not use prepared statements?

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kojow7 Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 11:03


1 Answers

is there any reason why I would want to use a prepared statement when inserting it into the database?


Simply because a database layer should be absolutely ignorant about data source, nature, meaning or prior validations. The job of a database layer is to put your data in a database correctly. And prepared statements is the only proper way for doing so.

So, in your own words, "but for consistency's sake it doesn't hurt to use one".

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Your Common Sense Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 03:03

Your Common Sense