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Is there any opensource high-performance IPC-like msg bus library in c++?




In my current project, I have a slightly distributed architecture, i.e., several executables collaborate with each other to get things done. To make things easier, i hope i could have a reliable 'backbone' message bus: when an executable hooks up to the msg bus, it can receive callback when new msg arrives. Similarly, it can publish new message to the bus.

I know some companies provide off-the-shelf solutions like this, however, is there any free ones in the OSS?

like image 937
James Bond Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 23:02

James Bond

1 Answers

If you don't need Windows support, and your processes aren't spread over different computers, I'd definately give D-Bus a look.

It's written in C and features (according to the web page) bindings for "Qt, GLib, Java, C#, Python, etc.)".

The list of projects using D-Bus is quite impressive, too.

like image 59
Frerich Raabe Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 03:04

Frerich Raabe