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Is there any method in WebDriver with Java for controlling speed of browser?

When I use Selenium RC there is a method setSpeed as:


What is the way to control speed of browser in Selenium WebDriver?

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Ripon Al Wasim Avatar asked Jun 22 '12 11:06

Ripon Al Wasim

1 Answers

There is no longer any way to control the speed of each "step" in Selenium WebDriver. At one time, there was a setSpeed() method on the Options interface (in the Java bindings; other bindings had similar constructs on their appropriately-named objects), but it was deprecated long, long ago. The theory behind this is that you should not need to a priori slow down every single step of your WebDriver code. If you need to wait for something to happen in the application you're automating, you should be using an implicit or explicit wait routine.

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JimEvans Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
