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Is there any major difference between XAMPP and LAMP?

Recently I sent my CV to a small company which required a web developer, but one condition was that I should know how to work with LAMP. So I took part in the contest, but today I started to wonder if those packages are as similar as I think.

So, are they?

I am using: XAMPP (Basispaket) version 1.7.1 on Windows 7 and planning to install LAMP on Ubuntu 10.04 (don't know the version yet).

UPDATE: I read some articles about LAMP setup and I only found, that you just need to separately install Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I'm confused; so isn't there's any control panel like in XAMPP? If so, then I'm asking about those major differences.

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Eugene Avatar asked Jun 24 '10 13:06


People also ask

Is LAMP and XAMPP same?

LAMP is an acronym for Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software), and PHP. If you're running Windows the acronym is WAMP. XAMPP is a package you can use to easily install and configure a (in your case) WAMP or LAMP setup.

What is the difference between LAMP and WAMP?

LAMP is a combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python used to develop dynamic websites for Linux based systems, whereas, WAMP is a local server used to develop dynamic websites for Windows based systems.

Is there anything better than XAMPP?

AMPPS is an open-source, free, powerful, and user-friendly web development tool used to develop web applications in PHP. It is one of the better alternatives to WAMP, MAMP, and XAMPP.

What is the benefits of using XAMPP WAMP and LAMP?

As both of them are utilized for operating websites and applications built on PHP whereas XAMPP also holds the power to run applications coded in Perl in addition to PHP. The primary benefit of utilizing both these local server stacks is that the user does not require to configure Apache, PHP, MySQL, or MariaDB.

2 Answers

LAMP is an acronym for Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software), and PHP. If you're running Windows the acronym is WAMP.

XAMPP is a package you can use to easily install and configure a (in your case) WAMP or LAMP setup. If they are asking LAMP they probably expect some Linux and Apache knowledge, but it could also be they are just expecting a PHP programmer with MySQL skills. You'll find out what they're looking for in the job interview ;).

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Dennis Laumen Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10

Dennis Laumen

LAMP and WAMP are generic terms for any Apache web server, MySQL database, and Perl or PHP or Python language, based system.

XAMPP is a specific software package that contains all the elements of an *AMP system in a single package. There are several packages like this (WampServer to name one).

The software install process on Ubuntu is so straightforward that many people prefer to install the components individually and run a leaner and meaner setup.

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James Anderson Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10

James Anderson