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Is there any example and usage of url.QueryEscape ? for golang



How to understand and use url.QueryEscape, in Go language?

like image 613
ggaaooppeenngg Avatar asked Jan 04 '14 13:01


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URL Encoding or Escaping a String in Go Go provides the following two functions to encode or escape a string so that it can be safely placed inside a URL: QueryEscape(): Encode a string to be safely placed inside a URL query string. PathEscape(): Encode a string to be safely placed inside a URL path segment.

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URL encoding or percent-encoding, is a method of encoding URLs using only a limited set of characters so that the URL can be transmitted safely over the Internet. To decode such an encoded URL in Go, you can just use the parsing URL function url. Parse() from the url package. It parses and decodes all parts of the URL.

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The query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs. Within each pair, the field name and value are separated by an equals sign, " = ". The series of pairs is separated by the ampersand, " & " (semicolons " ; " are not recommended by the W3C anymore, see below).

1 Answers

To understand the usage of url.QueryEscape, you first need to understand what a url query string is.

A query string is a part of URL that contains data that can be passed to web applications. This data needs to be encoded, and this encoding is done using url.QueryEscape. It performs what is also commonly called URL encoding.


Let's say we have webpage:


And we want to pass an image url, http://images.com/cat.png, to this web application. Then this url needs look something like this:


In Go code, it would look like this:

package main

import (

func main() {
    webpage := "http://mywebpage.com/thumbify"
    image := "http://images.com/cat.png"
    fmt.Println( webpage + "?image=" + url.QueryEscape(image))
like image 178
ANisus Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
