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Is there any documentation or example of using for Symfony/Cache component?

With symfony 3.1 we got Cache Component (https://github.com/symfony/cache)

I can't find any documentation or examples for this component because it's new.

Can anybody write simple example how to use this component with symfony 3.1

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Danil Pyatnitsev Avatar asked Jun 03 '16 12:06

Danil Pyatnitsev

People also ask

How to cache clear in Symfony?

To clear the cache you can use the bin/console cache:pool:clear [pool] command. That will remove all the entries from your storage and you will have to recalculate all the values. You can also group your pools into "cache clearers".

What is a cache component?

The Cache component provides features covering simple to advanced caching needs. It natively implements PSR-6 and the Cache Contracts for greatest interoperability. It is designed for performance and resiliency, ships with ready to use adapters for the most common caching backends.

What is cache adapter?

In an enterprise server, a Caching SAN Adapter is a host bus adapter (HBA) for storage area network (SAN) connectivity which accelerates performance by transparently storing duplicate data such that future requests for that data can be serviced faster compared to retrieving the data from the source.

1 Answers

The cache component is mainly used internal in Symfony for Serializers etc.

But the latest FrameworkBundle already supports creating your own cache pools via config.yml. There doesnt seem to be any docs on this at the moment, so i digged myself through:

In config.yml you can create f.e. a new cache

        default_redis_provider: redis://%cache.redis_host%:%cache.redis_port%/%cache:redis_db%
             adapter: cache.adapter.redis
             public: true
             default_lifetime: 1200
             provider: cache.default_redis_provider 

Of course you can also just make your own service defintion.

In your code you can then use the created cache pool to create CacheItems and cache them:

$cacheItem = $this->get('my_cache')->getItem($cacheKey = $item->getId());
   $cacheItem->expiresAfter(null); //this needs to be called to use defaultTime

The Psr-6 CacheItem gets created by the pool if it not exists in the cache.
It will get the key that it first got queried with. Then you can set a value and expiration time and save it to the cache.

For more infos on what and how you can do with the PSR-6 cache see here: http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-6/

The symfony docs for the component (note: only for the component, not for the framework integration) are still a PR but you can precheck it here: https://github.com/symfony/symfony-docs/pull/6515

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ivoba Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
