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IS there any Django app that notify the user about something that happened in your web, and ask him to perform an action?



I mean, there's any generic app that you can use to make notifications like when in Facebook, someone adds you as friend, or invite you to an event?

Basically, I need to show to the user this type of notification for different contents type, with the possibility to do some custom actions (ignore, accept, etc) different for each one.

I wonder if someone have done this before, so I can plug it and create a type of notification simply passing the text of the notification, the options that must show and the views to call for each option.


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ekms Avatar asked Jun 23 '11 19:06


1 Answers

django-notifications is a GitHub notifications alike app, and it's based on Django Activity Stream.

If you familia with django-activity-stream, the the usage of django-notifications almost the same.

django-notifications also provide notifications_unread templatetag to display unread notifications of current login user.

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Yang.Y Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
