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Is there any balance condition for the rope?

I just read the Rope article, and didn't find any balance condition for the rope. Does it means, that any binary tree with short strings in leaves, is a rope?

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Nelson Tatius Avatar asked Mar 30 '12 12:03

Nelson Tatius

People also ask

What is balance rope?

Balance ropes or also referred as tail ropes, compensate the weight of the hoisting ropes in a Friction Koepe setup. To lower the power requirement to move material to the surface in the vertical shaft but mainly to guarantee the weight balance for friction hoisting.

What part of the rope is a single element to construct a rope?

STRAND: The largest individual element used in the final rope making process and obtained by joining and twisting together several yarns or groups of yarns. STRAND, MULTIPLE: Two or more yarns or strands side by side without being twisted together and braided into a rope from the same carrier.

What is meant by rope construction?

For the majority of world history this was the most prevalent type of rope construction. Laid rope is made in a 3-part process: First, fibers are twisted into yarns. Next, the yarns are twisted together to form strands. Finally, these strands are twisted together to form rope.

1 Answers

Does it means, that any binary tree with short strings in leaves, is a rope?

Yes. Depending on the implementation there can be balancing strategies but this is by no means necessary.

Often, applications which use ropes stil expect relatively few nodes so the overhead of having a balance strategy isn’t worth it, both in terms of effort to implement, and in the (small) runtime overhead which it entails.

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Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Konrad Rudolph