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Is there an rspec matcher to confirm a class includes a library, module or gem?




Found this tutorial using minitest, and was wondering if there is an equivalent matcher in rspec:

Interesting minitest assertion

describe "default attributes" do

  it "must include httparty methods" do
    Dish::Player.must_include HTTParty

  it "must have the base url set to the Dribble API endpoint" do
    Dish::Player.base_uri.must_equal 'http://api.dribbble.com'

like image 773
Tonys Avatar asked Jun 18 '13 18:06


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1 Answers

Testing if a class has included a module is generally wrong, as you are testing implementation details instead of expected behavior.

Included modules can be found by calling ancestors on the class, so you can simply use include matcher:

expect(Dish::Player.ancestors).to include(HTTParty)

Your second expectation should be tested with:

expect(Dish::Player.base_uri).to eq 'http://api.dribbble.com'


Until today I did not know that classes implement the <=> operator. You can simply check if Dish::Player < HTTParty.

like image 93
samuil Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11
