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Is there an option to make spreading an object strict?



I was wondering if there is a compiler option or something similar to make spreading objects strict.

Please see following example to understand what I mean:

interface Foo {
  a: string;

interface Bar {
  a: string;
  b: number;

const barObject: Bar = { a: "a string", b: 1 };

// should give a warning because Bar has more properties (here b) than Foo
const fooObject: Foo = { ...barObject };

// actually prints 1
console.log((fooObject as any).b); 

Is something like this possible?

like image 317
ysfaran Avatar asked Dec 13 '19 08:12


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0 Sign in to vote it would be best to leave option strict on but if you really want to turn it off then just write this on the top line of your code  option strict off also, look through your menus and in the options you should have an option to turn it off by default.

1 Answers

Interesting question. According to this issue, the result of the spread operator is intended to not trigger excess property checks.

// barObject has more props than Foo, but spread does not trigger excess property checks
const fooObject: Foo = { ...barObject };

// b is explicit property, so checks kicks in here
const foo: Foo = { ...bar, b: 2 }

There aren't exact types for TypeScript currently, but you can create a simple type check to enforce strict object spread:

// returns T, if T and U match, else never
type ExactType<T, U> = T extends U ? U extends T ? T : never : never

const bar: Bar = { a: "a string", b: 1 };
const foo: Foo = { a: "foofoo" }

const fooMergeError: Foo = { ...bar as ExactType<typeof bar, Foo> }; // error
const fooMergeOK: Foo = { ...foo as ExactType<typeof foo, Foo> }; // OK

With a helper function, we can reduce redundancy a bit:

const enforceExactType = <E>() => <T>(t: ExactType<T, E>) => t

const fooMergeError2: Foo = { ...enforceExactType<Foo>()(bar) }; // error

Code sample

like image 67
ford04 Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 08:12
