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Is there an open source SQL Server DB compare tool? [closed]

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What is SQL Compare tool?

SQL Compare allows you to work with live SQL Server databases, snapshots, script folders, and native backups. You can compare your SQL Server databases, analyze differences, and perform error-free schema synchronization using generated SQL scripts.

What is Red Gate SQL Compare?

SQL Data Compare is the industry-standard tool for comparing and deploying SQL Server database contents. It helps you compare and deploy changes quickly, simply, and with zero errors.

How can I compare two SQL files in SSMS?

Q: Can I compare SQL objects from SSMS ApexSQL Compare offers integration for SSMS and Visual Studio, so you can right-click a SQL object in Object Explorer, select the Compare scripts in the right-click context menu, then Set as left/right, and the New comparison query window will be shown.

I think that Open DBiff does a good job. It's simple and I works with SQL Server 2005/2008.

But only generate the change script. Nothing more and nothing less.

On CodePlex I noticed yesterday DbDiff (http://www.codeplex.com/OpenDBiff) that you could try. Supports Sql2005 and 2008, I did not try it.

I'd recommend spending some cash and getting Red Gate's SQL Compare tool which does an excellent job, and can even compare databases to Visual Studio database projects to generate upgrade scripts. It's fast and easy to use, and works well. The upgrade scripts are also of decent quality.

It's not that expensive. Probably less expensive than your time. Just think about how much your hourly rate is, and how many hours it might take to investigate an open-source tool and get it working (and how many you have already spent), then multiply them together. That's how much a 'free' tool is really costing you, which is often significantly more than a commercial tool.

It's not open source, but is free (as in beer): Sql Effects Accord (aka Clarity) Community Edition

AdeptSQL Diff and DataDiff are wonderful products, much cheaper than RedGate's and a much more simplified UI, and I have yet to run into a scenario it cannot handle.


You might want to try SqlDbDiff. It can generate change scripts. The free edition does a good enough job.

Anyone try xSQL Bundle (xSQL Data Compare and xSQL Object Compare)? Our place only uses for DB diffs, no syncs, so can't say for syncing but the diff and reports are not bad.

Also, OpenDBDiff has a spin off, not sure which is better - http://code.google.com/p/sql-dbdiff/

Anyone know if any of the free/open source DB diff tools mentioned here offer scriptable / command line interface to automate the diffs and synching?

I looked into xSQL tools, they offer command line access but unfortunately, no scriptable command to export diff results to (report) file.