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Is there an open source Asp.net membership administration GUI (like netwebadmin, but works online)?


Visual studio 2005 comes with a project that lets you use the asp.net membership provider to look up, add, edit, and delete users and roles. It unfortunaltly can't be used online, and in order to have an adminiistration area in your site, it appears that you have to code your own admin interface.

Is there an opensource, or free project that has the functionality of netwebadmin, but can be used online?

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NetHawk Avatar asked Dec 05 '08 01:12


2 Answers

You might want to have a look at this project on codeplex http://www.codeplex.com/AspNetWSAT, which has an admin interface that you can use. I think there are a few other similar ones around too.

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seanb Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11


I have also been searching for a GUI for these tables. Something so common should have an open sources reference to implement.

Here is something my search has uncovered:


This link includes another link to a more "advanced" version. I haven't had much success using this code, but I'm going to probably grab some of the UI elements to use in my solution.

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letsgetsilly Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
