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Is there an InnerText equivalent in BeautifulSoup?

With the code below:

soup = BeautifulSoup(page.read(), fromEncoding="utf-8") result = soup.find('div', {'class' :'flagPageTitle'}) 

I get the following html:

<div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Item65404" class="flagPageTitle" style=" "> <span></span><p>Some text here</p> </div> 

How can I get Some text here without any tags? Is there InnerText equivalent in BeautifulSoup?

like image 241
LA_ Avatar asked Jan 24 '12 20:01


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The navigablestring object is used to represent the contents of a tag. To access the contents, use “. string” with tag. You can replace the string with another string but you can't edit the existing string.

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To get href with Python BeautifulSoup, we can use the find_all method. to create soup object with BeautifulSoup class called with the html string. Then we find the a elements with the href attribute returned by calling find_all with 'a' and href set to True .

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The prettify() method will turn a Beautiful Soup parse tree into a nicely formatted Unicode string, with a separate line for each tag and each string: Python3.

Is navigable string an object of BeautifulSoup?

NavigableString class is provided by Beautiful Soup which is a web scraping framework for Python. Web scraping is the process of extracting data from the website using automated tools to make the process faster. A string corresponds to a bit of text within a tag.

1 Answers

All you need is:

result = soup.find('div', {'class' :'flagPageTitle'}).text 
like image 153
Phil Cooper Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10

Phil Cooper