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Is there an function in PyTorch for converting convolutions to fully-connected networks form?

I'm trying to convert a convolution layer to a fully-connected layer.

For example, there is an example of 3×3 input and 2x2 kernel:

input and kernel

which is equivalent to a vector-matrix multiplication,

vector-matrix multiplication

Is there a function in PyTorch to get the matrix B?

like image 660
ccc li Avatar asked Jun 21 '19 11:06

ccc li

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There are various types of layers used in the deep learning model. It can be considered as the architecture of the model.

How do you add convolutional layers in Pytorch?

Adding Convolution Layers In pytorch, we will start by defining class and initialize it with all layers and then add forward function to define flow of data. 32 is no. of filters and kernel size is 5*5. ReLU is activation layer.

What is kernel size Pytorch?

kernel_size (int or tuple) – Size of the convolving kernel. stride (int or tuple, optional) – Stride of the convolution. Default: 1. padding (int, tuple or str, optional) – Padding added to all four sides of the input. Default: 0.

1 Answers

I can only partially answer your question:

In your example above, you write the kernel as matrix and the input as a vector. If you are fine with writing the input as a matrix, you can use torch.nn.Unfold which explicitly calculates a convolution in the documentation:

# Convolution is equivalent with Unfold + Matrix Multiplication + Fold (or view to output shape)
inp = torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 12)
w = torch.randn(2, 3, 4, 5)
inp_unf = torch.nn.functional.unfold(inp, (4, 5))
out_unf = inp_unf.transpose(1, 2).matmul(w.view(w.size(0), -1).t()).transpose(1, 2)
out = out_unf.view(1, 2, 7, 8)
(torch.nn.functional.conv2d(inp, w) - out).abs().max()
# tensor(1.9073e-06)

If, however, you need to calculate the matrix for the kernel (the smaller matrix) you can use this function, which is based on Warren Weckessers answer:

def toeplitz_1_ch(kernel, input_size):
    # shapes
    k_h, k_w = kernel.shape
    i_h, i_w = input_size
    o_h, o_w = i_h-k_h+1, i_w-k_w+1

    # construct 1d conv toeplitz matrices for each row of the kernel
    toeplitz = []
    for r in range(k_h):
        toeplitz.append(linalg.toeplitz(c=(kernel[r,0], *np.zeros(i_w-k_w)), r=(*kernel[r], *np.zeros(i_w-k_w))) ) 

    # construct toeplitz matrix of toeplitz matrices (just for padding=0)
    h_blocks, w_blocks = o_h, i_h
    h_block, w_block = toeplitz[0].shape

    W_conv = np.zeros((h_blocks, h_block, w_blocks, w_block))

    for i, B in enumerate(toeplitz):
        for j in range(o_h):
            W_conv[j, :, i+j, :] = B

    W_conv.shape = (h_blocks*h_block, w_blocks*w_block)

    return W_conv

which is not in pytorch but in numpy. This is for padding = 0 but can easily be adjusted by changing h_blocks and w_blocks and W_conv[i+j, :, j, :].

Update: Multiple output channels are just multiple of these matrices, as each output has its own kernel. Multiple input channels also have their own kernels - and their own matrices - over which you average after the convolution. This can be implemented as follows:

def conv2d_toeplitz(kernel, input):
    """Compute 2d convolution over multiple channels via toeplitz matrix
        kernel: shape=(n_out, n_in, H_k, W_k)
        input: shape=(n_in, H_i, W_i)"""

    kernel_size = kernel.shape
    input_size = input.shape
    output_size = (kernel_size[0], input_size[1] - (kernel_size[1]-1), input_size[2] - (kernel_size[2]-1))
    output = np.zeros(output_size)

    for i,ks in enumerate(kernel):  # loop over output channel
        for j,k in enumerate(ks):  # loop over input channel
            T_k = toeplitz_1_ch(k, input_size[1:])
            output[i] += T_k.dot(input[j].flatten()).reshape(output_size[1:])  # sum over input channels

    return output

To check the correctness:

k = np.random.randn(4*3*3*3).reshape((4,3,3,3))
i = np.random.randn(3,7,9)

out = conv2d_toeplitz(k, i)

# check correctness of convolution via toeplitz matrix
print(np.sum((out - F.conv2d(torch.tensor(i).view(1,3,7,9), torch.tensor(k)).numpy())**2))

>>> 1.0063523219807736e-28 

Update 2:

It is also possible to do this without looping in one matrix:

def toeplitz_mult_ch(kernel, input_size):
    """Compute toeplitz matrix for 2d conv with multiple in and out channels.
        kernel: shape=(n_out, n_in, H_k, W_k)
        input_size: (n_in, H_i, W_i)"""

    kernel_size = kernel.shape
    output_size = (kernel_size[0], input_size[1] - (kernel_size[1]-1), input_size[2] - (kernel_size[2]-1))
     T = np.zeros((output_size[0], int(np.prod(output_size[1:])), input_size[0], int(np.prod(input_size[1:]))))

    for i,ks in enumerate(kernel):  # loop over output channel
        for j,k in enumerate(ks):  # loop over input channel
            T_k = toeplitz_1_ch(k, input_size[1:])
            T[i, :, j, :] = T_k

    T.shape = (np.prod(output_size), np.prod(input_size))

    return T

The input has to be flattened and the output reshaped after multiplication. Checking for correctness (using the same i and k as above):

T = toeplitz_mult_ch(k, i.shape)
out = T.dot(i.flatten()).reshape((1,4,5,7))

# check correctness of convolution via toeplitz matrix
print(np.sum((out - F.conv2d(torch.tensor(i).view(1,3,7,9), torch.tensor(k)).numpy())**2))
>>> 1.5486060830252635e-28
like image 70
McLawrence Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
