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Is there an emerging standard API for NoSQL Databases? [closed]

I was wondering if there are any standard languages or API's for accessing NoSQL databases (or at least BigData or Column store) databases?

Or do you have to learn the domain specific language for each vendor's contribution?

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Victor Grazi Avatar asked Feb 12 '12 19:02

Victor Grazi

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The REST API for Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service provides HTTPS endpoints to perform operations such as creating and deleting tables and indexes, populating and accessing data in tables, and accessing table usage metrics. You can view a list of all REST Endpoints.

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2 Answers

One potentially interesting one is AppScale which provides a unified API for HBase, Hypertable, MySQL Cluster, Cassandra, Voldemort, MongoDB, MemcacheDB and Redis. The API is defined by Google for the Google App Engine and is available for Java, Python and Go.

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mjaggard Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 21:01


Relational database have the SQL language.

NoSQL databases are of different types: graph, columns, document. key value, etc.

They are all specific to handle. Maybe one type could have a unified language, but between them, that would be not so natural. So yes you have to use/learn the API for each type.

At another level, if you use java as a programming language, you may use spring data which proposes a set of libraries to access those databases. I did not use it but with it you will be able to compare the APIs between the different database types quite easily.

Then you have this question that seems well related to yours: Are there any NoSQL standards emerging?

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unludo Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 23:01
