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Is there an elegant way to write this code?



I've inherited some code and it is making me cringe when I look at it. Is there more elegant way to write the following?

Dim myItem As DTO.MyBaseClass = Nothing
Dim myType As String = GetTypeString()
Select Case myType
  Case Is = "Case1"
    myItem = Bus.BusManager(Of DTO.MyClass1).Read()
  Case Is = "Case2"
    myItem = Bus.BusManager(Of DTO.MyClass2).Read()
'... etc etc for 30 lines

Is there a way to make a map from the string to the class type and then just have a line like so? Or something similar?

myItem = Bus.BusManager(Of MappingDealy(myType)).Read()
like image 239
Biff MaGriff Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 22:11

Biff MaGriff

1 Answers

Since BusManager is a Generic, the type you pass into Of <type> must be specified at compile time. It's not like a traditional parameter that you can change at runtime.

It's unclear from the code you listed what BusManager actually does. If all it's doing is creating an instance of the Generic type, then maybe the person who created it doesn't really understand generics. Do you have the ability to rework how BusManager works, or are you limited to using it as is?

As @jmoreno mentioned, you can use reflection to create an instance of a type from a string containting the name of the type. Here's how that would work:

Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.IO

Public Class ObjectFactory
    Private Shared Function CreateObjectFromAssembly(ByVal assembly As Assembly, ByVal typeName As String) As Object
        ' resolve the type
        Dim targetType As Type = assembly.GetType(typeName)
        If targetType Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Can't load type " + typeName)
        End If

        ' get the default constructor and instantiate
        Dim types(-1) As Type
        Dim info As ConstructorInfo = targetType.GetConstructor(types)
        Dim targetObject As Object = info.Invoke(Nothing)
        If targetObject Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Can't instantiate type " + typeName)
        End If

        Return targetObject
    End Function

    Public Shared Function CreateObject(ByVal typeName As String) As Object
        Return CreateObjectFromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly, typeName)
    End Function

    Public Shared Function CreateObject(ByVal typeName As String, ByVal assemblyFileName As String) As Object
        Dim assemblyFileInfo = New FileInfo(assemblyFileName)
        If assemblyFileInfo.Exists Then
            Return CreateObjectFromAssembly(Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyFileName), typeName)
            Throw New ArgumentException(assemblyFileName + " cannot be found.")
        End If
    End Function

End Class

In a production app, I'd probably set the return type for all of these methods to my base class or interface. Just make sure you pass in the full typeName including the Namespace.

With that factory class in place, then the elegant version of your code would look something like this:

Dim myItem as DTO.MyBaseClass = ObjectFactory.CreateObject("DTO." & GetTypeString())
like image 74
CoderDennis Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 12:12
