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Is there an API for POP/IMAP in iOS?

In my app I need to access mail programmatically without using a MFMailComposeViewController. I have sent email with the help of SKPSMTPMessage from google code. Now I have to connect and check mail via POP3 or IMAP. Is there an API to download mail using POP3 or IMAP? I am not looking for a way to interface with Mail.app.

Thanks in advance.

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Asta ni enohpi Avatar asked Jan 20 '11 05:01

Asta ni enohpi

People also ask

Does iPhone use IMAP or POP?

iCloud Mail uses the IMAP and SMTP standards supported by most modern email client apps. iCloud Mail does not support POP.

Is POP server the same as IMAP?

The primary difference is that POP downloads emails from the server for permanent local storage, while IMAP leaves them on the server while caching (temporarily storing) emails locally. In this way, IMAP is effectively a form of cloud storage.

What are POP IMAP settings?

IMAP and POP are both ways to read your Gmail messages in other email clients. IMAP can be used across multiple devices. Emails are synced in real time. POP can only be used for a single computer.

2 Answers

You can try MailCore. MailCore supports SMTP and IMAP

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Maurício Linhares Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Maurício Linhares

I tried MailCore and reMail a year ago and it was too complex for me. I don't know if they improved now, but at that time I just gave up on them and written my own code. I uploaded it to sourceforge now, so whoever finds this discussion in google is welcome to try it.


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Nick Frolov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Nick Frolov