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Is there an analogue of an object's `this`, but for functions?

I have searched the reference and a general web, but I am unable to find out, if it exists.

Is there a way to get a pointer to the current function in C++? It is so trivial, that it should exist.

In the perfect world I would want to find a way to get an std::function of current function, but even an old style pointer would do.

To clarify why it may be needed: I am thinking about recursion inside a Lambda function or even general recursion in a function, with the high potential of the name change in the future releases.

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v010dya Avatar asked Jan 26 '14 18:01


2 Answers

There isn't, largely because there's no need for it. In the context of a (non-anonymous function) function, you always know where you stand - you can always use its name to refer to it or get its address. Unlike objects, where different ones have different addresses, ergo the need for this.

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Luchian Grigore Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

Luchian Grigore

In general you can't. For example, in a lambda that's convertible to raw function pointer, there's no (standard language) way to obtain that pointer inside the function.

However, you can obtain the function name as a raw string, via the macro __func__, except that only the newest versions of the compilers provide it with that macro name.

Also, if you are OK with non-portable code there are several compiler-specific introspection facilities (I just know they exist, but would have to google them for you to list them).

Addressing the question's newly added part, how to let a function be recursive and still support easy name change and/or lambdas.

One way is to use a std::function, but much easier (and possibly a bit more efficient) is to just define the recursive function as an internal implementation detail, e.g. in a namespace or in an inner class:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void foo( int const x )
    struct Recursive {
        inline static void foo( int const x )
            cout << x << ' ';
            if( x > 0 ) { foo( x - 1 ); }

    Recursive::foo( x );
    cout << endl;

auto main() -> int
    foo( 3 );

How to do the above with a lambda instead of a named function:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

auto main() -> int
    auto const foo = []( int const x ) -> void
        struct Recursive {
            inline static void foo( int const x )
                cout << x << ' ';
                if( x > 0 ) { foo( x - 1 ); }

        Recursive::foo( x );
        cout << endl;

    foo( 3 );
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Cheers and hth. - Alf Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

Cheers and hth. - Alf