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is there alerting can be done in nifi processor?

in nifi, we can have a PutEmail processor which can be configured for each flowfile. However, is there any mechanism or processor available to get alerting when any processor stops or processor is having an error?

how this can be achieved?

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natarajan k Avatar asked Feb 06 '23 08:02

natarajan k

2 Answers

You can use the MonitorActivity processor to alert on changes in flow activity. MonitorActivity is designed to detect the absence of flowfiles through the processor. When the condition is tripped, a notification flowfile is generated that you can route to a PutEmail processor. MonitorActivity provides relationships for both the inactive notification and a notification for when activity is restored.

enter image description here

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James Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 10:04


you can able to see bulletin board to find error obtained any processors in right top corner of nifi UI.

No need for any other processor to perform alerting if any error then bulletin board shows error in which processor in ui.

enter image description here

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Mister X Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 09:04

Mister X