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is there a XNOR operator in javascript

I'm new to js and I wonder if there is a XNOR operator in JS. I tried !(a^b) but it gives weird result. For example:

var a,b="aa"; 

this code returns true, however, I XNOR returns false.
I need to return true if the two operand are true(different from false values), or the two are false (both equals to : null, undefined,""-empty string- or 0)

like image 936
aName Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 08:11


2 Answers

XNOR truth table

Above is the truth table for XNOR. If A and B are both FALSE or TRUE, the resulting XNOR is true. Therefore, it seems to me as if simply checking for equality is actually the equivalent of XNOR.


(a === b) = (a XNOR b)

EDIT: to work properly with your conditions: this should work:

a == b

Note that there are two "=", not three, indicating that this is comparing "truthy" values.

like image 104
Brandon Dixon Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 19:12

Brandon Dixon

The bitwise xnor is:

~(a ^ b)

And the logical one;

a === b
like image 37
Jonas Wilms Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 19:12

Jonas Wilms