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Is there a WYSIWYG editor for MediaWiki that lets me edit rows and columns for a table?



I'm developing a wiki (based off of MediaWiki and Semantic Mediawiki+), and I'm having some trouble with tables - after making one, I'd like to be able to add another column or row in a WYSIWYG editor, as not all of the users know MediaWiki markup.

Currently, I can't change the # of rows/columns after creating a table through my WYSIWYG editor - is there a fix or another editor to do this?

like image 558
dnastyx Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 11:11


1 Answers

I'm sure you can wire up TinyMCE as an editor. This supports table and block manipulation (along with a host of other options). There's even a page on meta.wikimedia.org about it.

like image 132
AJ. Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 18:12