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Is there a working THREE.js API documentation?




I am trying to learn the basics of THREE.js. I have read a couple of tutorial, and I would like to start experimenting. My problem is that I am not able to find any documentation

This is supposed to be an API browser, but I was not able to find the very basic objects, like PlaneGeometry or SphereGeometry. Is there any other place where to find an API?

like image 751
Andrea Avatar asked Oct 26 '11 10:10


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2 Answers

Another place to browse the API is here. I think both this and the one you referenced were generated before the recent name change for geometry objects. You could ask staunsholm to regenerate the API docs that he posted. Another, more official-looking place is here, but it still has quite a few "to-do's" in it.

I feel the same way about the lack of up-to-date documentation for THREE.js. If you want to apply some influence toward prioritizing this, you could reopen this bugtracker issue and comment on it. Or you could take it upon yourself :-) to maintain a frequently-updated THREE.js API reference, generated with jsdoc. Alternatively, you can dig through the source code and examples to find answers to your questions, and then update the apparently official wiki pages with your discoveries.

Sorry this is not the ideal solution you were hoping for, but maybe it's the best available solution for now. The author of three.js seems to feel that the API needs to stabilize more before a documentation effort would be worthwhile for him.

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LarsH Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09


Latest official API is currently here http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/docs/

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Codler Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
