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Is there a way to tell the browser to bookmark a different URL than is in the address bar?

I have an application that utilizes rather unfriendly dynamic URLs most of the time. I am providing friendly URLs to some content, but these are used only as an entry point into the application, after which point all of the generated URLs will be the unfriendly variety.

My question is, if I know that the user is on a page for which a friendly URL could be generated and they choose to bookmark it, is there a way to tell the browser to bookmark the friendly one instead of what is in the address bar?

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BCG Avatar asked Aug 31 '10 14:08


1 Answers

I had hoped that rel="canonical" would help here, but it seems as if it's only used for indexing. Maybe one day browsers will utilise it.

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Alan Pearce Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Alan Pearce