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Is there a way to tell Doxygen to ignore (all) namespaces?

Just about everything in my documentation ends up with the namespace:: prefix in front of it. (where namespace is the name of my namespace)

Is there a way to have the documentation generated without the namespace part?

For example:




It would make everything more readable.

like image 544
Nathan Osman Avatar asked Apr 09 '10 06:04

Nathan Osman

2 Answers

Turns out the answer was simple: you have to set HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES to YES in the configuration file.

like image 188
Nathan Osman Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Nathan Osman

I know this is old but if anyone comes looking again.

You can set SHOW_NAMESPACES to NO in configuration file.

It is also in DoxyWizard, Expert tab under Build topic.

like image 39
discordia28 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
