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Is there a way to step through a Rails app in a debugger?

Is there a way to step through a Rails app in a debugger as it handles a request?

like image 880
Nathan Long Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 07:11

Nathan Long

2 Answers

Yes, use pry and pry-debugger. Visit http://pryrepl.org/ for more info.

like image 145
byterussian Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09



Assuming you've started rails with:

rails s --debugger

and got a line in your code:


then, when you hit that breakpoint, just press:


to step through code line-by-line. You will also see Ruby code being executed en route as your app is being parsed. Not sure how you switch that off.

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Snowcrash Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
