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Is there a way to simulate 4K resolution on my PC?



I am developing my website's design, and unfortunately I don't have a 4K monitor at the moment, but I want to see how will my website look at that resolution.

I am worrying because my website's background image has 2560 x 1600 resolution and CSS parameter background-size: cover;. I hope it won't have black background-color around the image, just because the image is smaller than 4K.

So is there any way to simulate a 4K resolution on PC?

like image 571
Albert Avatar asked Jan 24 '15 10:01


People also ask

How do you simulate 4K resolution?

Press Ctrl+Shift+M and firefox shall switch to 320 X 480 Resolution, Now you can edit the values in top and set it to 4096 X 2160 to emulate 4k resolution.

How do you simulate 4K on a 1080P monitor?

Head to the Manage 3D Settings tab, and look for the DSR - Factors option in the list of global settings. Check the boxes for the resolutions you want to support. They're listed as multiples of your native resolution, so if you have a 1080p monitor and want to render games at 4K, check the 4.00x box.

How do I make my computer screen 4K?

First, right-click the Windows desktop and choose Display Settings. Scroll down to Display Resolution and set it to 3,840 by 2,160 (it should say "Recommended" in parentheses next to it). This will ensure your PC is outputting a 4K signal.

1 Answers

You can use Mozilla Firefox to do the same.

Press Ctrl+Shift+M and firefox shall switch to 320 X 480 Resolution, Now you can edit the values in top and set it to 4096 X 2160 to emulate 4k resolution.

You will get both Horizontal and Vertical Scrolls

Below is the sample Screen for Same :-

enter image description here

like image 87
Naval Kishore Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Naval Kishore