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Is there a way to return an empty string for a null object in Groovy when setting values in a constructor?



I know Groovy has the null check operator ?, where you can do something like: params.name? which will check if it's null, and return null. Is there a way to return the empty string instead of a null? Something like:

params.name? "" : params.name

When you're creating a new object and you're passing in a value for the class variables, like:

Foo myObj = new Foo(name : params.name? "" : params.name)
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reectrix Avatar asked Mar 31 '15 14:03


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In Groovy, there is a subtle difference between a variable whose value is null and a variable whose value is the empty string. The value null represents the absence of any object, while the empty string is an object of type String with zero characters. If you try to compare the two, they are not the same.

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1 Answers

you have the order wrong here. x ? y : x would return x, if x is null (falsey). Turn that code around: params.name ? params.name : "" or even shorter: params.name ?: ""

Also ? is no operator in groovy. Both the ? and : form the Ternary Operator or the shorter version ?: called the Elvis Operator

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cfrick Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 00:12
