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Is there a way to reference instance function when calling SequenceType.forEach?




Consider type Foo:

class Foo {

    var isBaz: Bool {
        return false

    func bar() {
        print("some boring print")

Now let's say I want to iterate through a collection of class instances and call some function on each of them:

let someFoos: [Foo] = [Foo(), Foo(), Foo()]

someFoos.forEach { $0.bar() }

This syntax is quite compact, but it feels a bit awkward. Also, it cannot be used everywhere. For example, in an if statement condition:

if someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz } { 
    // compiler error: statement cannot begin with a closure expression

if someFoos.contains($0.isBaz) { 
    // compiler error: anonymous closure argument not contained in a closure

if someFoos.contains({ $0.isBaz }) { 
    // this is correct, but requires extra pair of parentheses

Ideally, it would be nice to write something like


but as of Swift 2.1 this is not a correct syntax. Such way of referencing the function would be similar to the following:

func bar2(foo: Foo) -> Void {
    print("some boring print")


Is there a better way to reference instance function? How do you prefer to write such expressions?

like image 960
Andrii Chernenko Avatar asked Dec 02 '15 17:12

Andrii Chernenko

2 Answers

There are two different problems here. The trailing closure syntax can be used when calling a function and the last parameter is a closure, so

let b1 = someFoos.contains({ $0.isBaz })
let b2 = someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz }

are fully equivalent. However, the trailing closure syntax can be problematic in the condition of an if-statement:

if someFoos.contains({ $0.isBaz }) { }  // OK
if someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz } { }   // Compiler error
if (someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz }) { } // OK, as noted by R Menke

We can only speculate why the second one does not work. It could be that the compiler takes the first { as the start of the if-body. Perhaps this will change in a future version of Swift but probably it is not worth the effort.

The other problem is about curried functions.


compiles because bar2 has the type Foo -> Void, and that is exactly what the forEach() method expects. Foo.bar, on the other hand, is a curried function (see http://oleb.net/blog/2014/07/swift-instance-methods-curried-functions/) which takes the instance as the first argument. It has the type Foo -> () -> (). So


is a closure with type () -> (), and


calls the bar method on the someFoo instance.

(Note: The following is not meant as an actual recommendation, but only as a demonstration about curried functions and fun with closures!)

To pass Foo.bar directly as an argument to forEach() we need to "swap" the order of the parameters. Haskell has a "flip" function for that purpose, and it is also possible in Swift (see e.g. How to write a flip method in Swift?):

func flip<A, B, C>(f: A -> B ->C) -> B -> A ->C {
    return { b in { a in f(a)(b) } }

Then flip(Foo.bar) has the type () -> Foo -> (), so the void argument of the bar method can be applied


to get a Foo -> () closure, and


calls the bar method on the someFoo instance. And now we can call

someFoos.forEach (flip(Foo.bar)())

without using a closure expression { .. } !!

If isBaz were a method instead of a property

func isBaz() -> Bool { return false }

then you could do the same in the if-expression:

if someFoos.contains(flip(Foo.isBaz)()) { 
    // ...

Again, this is only meant as a demonstration. Also properties are not curried functions, so this cannot be done with your isBaz property.

like image 137
Martin R Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 10:11

Martin R

The $0 syntax is there to help you create a shortcut, but if you don't like it you can use the more complete form:

someFoos.forEach { thisFoo in thisFoo.bar() }
like image 1
matt Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11
