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Is there a way to put the generated files in a separate folder in flutter?

In my app, I use freezed with json_serializable. In the folder, where I put all my data models a lot of generated files, like model.g.dart, model.freeezed.dart. Is there any possibility to move all generated files like that to a separate folder in the project, like generated?

like image 639
Денис Тараненко Avatar asked Jun 30 '21 07:06

Денис Тараненко

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Create a new Directory to give access the directory with the specified path: var myDir = Directory('myDir'); Most instance methods of Directory exist in both synchronous and asynchronous variants, for example, create and createSync.

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1 Answers

Accordint to the build_runner documentation

flutter pub run build_runner build --output <dirname>


flutter pub run build_runner build --output models:<directory name>

to output only the models directory

like image 171
Eugene Kuzmenko Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Eugene Kuzmenko