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Is there a way to pass a parameter (or multiple params) to the CallMethodAction behavior?

Is there a way to pass a parameter (or multiple params) to the CallMethodAction behavior?

like image 838
Shimmy Weitzhandler Avatar asked Feb 22 '11 01:02

Shimmy Weitzhandler

2 Answers

Try InvokeCommandAction a command instead of using CallMethodAction:

  <i:EventTrigger EventName="TextChanged">
    <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding TextChangedCommand}" 
        CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=filterBox, Path=Text}"/>

Hope it helps

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kruvi Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 17:01


After some decompiling it turns out that CallMethodAction does support calling methods with parameters. However, CallMethodAction is very strict on the expected signature. Methods must conform to the following:

public void SomeMethod(object sender, EventArgs args) {
  // do something

Where the args parameter can be a subclass of EventArgs, which therefore allows passing in (any number of) custom parameters. For instance:

public class MyEventArgs : EventArgs {

     public MyEventArgs(MyParam param) {
         Param = param;

     MyParam Param { get; private set; }

Thus allowing for the following signature:

public void SomeMethod(object sender, MyEventArgs args) {
      var param = args.Param;
      // do something

For reference, here's the code in CallMethodAction that performs the conformity check:

  private static bool AreMethodParamsValid(ParameterInfo[] methodParams)
      if (methodParams.Length == 2)
        if (methodParams[0].ParameterType != typeof(object) || !typeof (EventArgs).IsAssignableFrom(methodParams[1].ParameterType))
            return false;
        else if (methodParams.Length != 0)
          return false;
      return true;
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Jonas Chapuis Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 16:01

Jonas Chapuis