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Is there a way to mention a user (blue highlight) without actually pinging them?

Is there a way to mention a user in Discord without actually pinging them? I wouldn't want something like a role ping because you would have to delete the role, and when newer people view it, it would be seen as @deleted-role.

Also tried unicode and that didn't work. Checked other libraries, and nothing. I found a bot that could do it, but checking it's message.content showed nothing, and D.JS's v12 feature disableMentions only inserts a thin unicode character to break the mention, which results in something like <@id>, or <@(really_small_unicode_char)id> (@\u200b).

like image 699
SomePerson Avatar asked Mar 19 '20 20:03


People also ask

How do you mention someone in Discord without pinging them?

Basically, with this feature, adding a certain character before the @ in a mention (maybe `@ or something), and this will mean that the 'mentioned' user will not get a mention notification, but will still be highlighted.

Do Discord edits Ping?

Make it so that when when you edit a reply message, it doesn't ping the user.

1 Answers

Yes, it is possible, see this.

Discord.JS just had their library updated at this Github commit. So now you can do something like this...

npm i github:discordjs/discord.js#df324e2c21171aa17bc4e43f4a36f78c2f0eaec1

message.channel.send('content', {"allowedMentions": { "users" : []}})

and no mentions.

like image 163
SomePerson Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 19:01
