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Is there a way to log the total number of queries made in a django view?




I have non-traditional view that responds to an ajax request. Usually, I use the debug toolbar to get the query count, however, since this particular view is simply returning some json, there's no page for the Debug Toolbar to display itself.

Is there a way to print out the total queries executed in the view to the console?

From browsing the docs, is found qs.query. However, that just gives what my base orm lookup will be. I'm really looking for the sum total from everything that happens in my view (for instance, additional queries triggered from traversing foreign keys).

like image 711
user3308774 Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 05:12


2 Answers

You can write a middleware for this purpose:

from django.db import connection

class SqlPrintMiddleware(object):
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        sqltime = 0 # Variable to store execution time
        for query in connection.queries:
            sqltime += float(query["time"])  # Add the time that the query took to the total
        # len(connection.queries) = total number of queries
        print "Page render: " + unicode(sqltime) + "sec for " + unicode(len(connection.queries)) + " queries"
        return response

And in your settings.py change:

    # ...
    # ...

Idea was taken from here

like image 69
wolendranh Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 07:12


Following is a fast and dirty way of calculating the number of DB calls made during a request-response cycle in Django

Create the following function

from django.db import connection
def calculate_db_response_time():
    sqltime = 0.0 # Variable to store execution time
    for query in connection.queries:
        sqltime += float(query["time"])  # Add the time that the query took to the total
    print("Page render: "+ str(sqltime)+ "sec for "+ str(len(connection.queries))+ " queries")

Call the calculate_db_response_time() function just before returning response in your View(s).
PS: Make sure that no other DB calls being made after this function is executed

The other way to make this happen at the Project level is to create the following middleware as suggested by #wolendranh answer.

The following snippet is 3.X python version of the answer provided by #wolendranh.
The following snippet can be created as middleware

from django.db import connection
class SqlPrintMiddleware(object):
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        sqltime = 0.0 # Variable to store execution time
        for query in connection.queries:
            sqltime += float(query["time"])  # Add the time that the query took to the total
        # len(connection.queries) = total number of queries
        print("Page render: "+ str(sqltime)+ "sec for "+ str(len(connection.queries))+ " queries")
        return response

And in your settings.py change:

    # ...
    # ...
like image 41
Krishna Manohar Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12

Krishna Manohar