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Is there a way to know whether the current method was used in a chained call?




I want to perform additional operations when a set of function are called in a chain.

I have seen this happening in Laravel query builder but I wasn't able to find the incumbent logic behind it. It defines where clauses in a set, if they are chained and separate otherwise (In the whereNested function callback).

$q->whereNested(function (Builder $q) {

    // Generates "Where (first = 1 and second = 2) or third = 3"
    $q->where('first', 1)->where('second', 2);
    $q->orWhere('third', 3);


Is there a way to know this while executing the function? If not, can someone point me to the logic used by Laravel?

like image 786
Umair Ahmed Avatar asked Nov 09 '17 10:11

Umair Ahmed

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1 Answers

you can use the php function debug_backtrace to get a list of all the called functions, as for the logic used you can find it in




all three methods are in the query builder class Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder

like image 151
A. Dabak Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 11:10

A. Dabak