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Is there a way to know the methods of an instance of an unknown class in Perl




I have a program in Perl that uses a package that I got from another source. One of the functions of the method returns an object of an unknown class, Is there a way for me to get all the possible methods of an object without looking at its class implementation?

like image 393
SIMEL Avatar asked Jun 03 '12 10:06


1 Answers

Not really.


  • You can find the names of subroutines explicitly declared or placed into the object's class's namespace.

  • You can NOT distinguish which of these subroutines are object methods on your object, and which are class or non-object subs (this is the most serious problem/limintation among those listed).

  • You can NOT find the methods inherited by an object in the subclass from the superclass using this method, unless they were already called on your object.

    This can be coded around, by either inspecting @ISA of the class to build up inheritance trees, or using on of proper CPAN modules.

  • You can NOT find the methods that are dynamically added to the class (AUTOLOAD, manual method injection in the code somewhere).

In detail

  1. You can find all of the subroutines in that class (by combining the fact that the class namespace is a hash so all identifiers in it are keys in that hash; and the UNIVERSAL::can call to separate subroutines).

    Therefore, if you are GUARANTEED (by non-technical contract) that 100% of subroutines in the class are object methods, AND that your class is NOT a subclass, you can find their list.

    package MyClass;
    use vars qw($z5);
    my $x = 11; our $y = 12; $z5 = 14; %z2 = (1=>2); # my, our, globals, hash
    sub new { return bless({}, $_[0]) }; # Constructor
    sub x1 { my $self = shift; print $_[0]; };
    sub y2  { my $self = shift; print $_[0]; };
    package MySubClass;
    use vars qw(@ISA);
    @ISA = ("MyClass");
    sub z3 { return "" };
    package main;
    use strict; use warnings;
    my $obj = MyClass->new();
    my $obj2 = MySubClass->new();
    list_object_methods($obj2); # Add "x1" to the list!
    sub list_object_methods {
        my $obj = shift;
        my $class_name = ref($obj);
        no strict;
        my @identifiers = keys %{"${class_name}::"};
        use strict;
        my @subroutines = grep { UNIVERSAL::can($obj, $_) } @identifiers;
        print "Class: ${class_name}\n";
        print "Subroutines: \n=========\n"
            . join("\n", sort @subroutines) . "\n=========\n";

    ... prints:

    Class: MyClass
    Class: MySubClass
    Class: MySubClass

    Please note that the first-time list (for MySubClass) printed new and z3 but NOT x1 or y2 - because new was executed and z3 was declared in the class; but x1 and y2 was neither - they were merely theoretically inherited. BUT, once we executed an inherited x1 method, then the second-time list included it, while still missing inherited y2.

  2. But you can NOT, unfortunately, distinguish a subroutine that is an object method (e.g. treats the first argument it gets as an object), a class method (e.g. treats the first argument it gets as a class name) or a non-OO sub (treats first argument as regular argument).

    To distinguish between the 3, the ONLY way is to actually semantically analyze the code. Otherwise, you can't tell the difference between:

    sub s_print_obj {
        my ($self, $arg1) = @_;
        $s->{arg1} = $arg1;
        print "$arg1\n";
    # $obj->s_print_obj("XYZ") prints "XYZ" and stores the data in the object
    sub s_print_class {
        my ($class, $arg1) = @_; 
        print "Class: $class\n";
        print "$arg1\n";
    # $obj->s_print_class("XYZ") prints "Class: MyClass\nXYZ\n"
    sub s_print_static {
        my ($self, $arg1) = @_;
        print "$arg1\n";
    # $obj->s_print_static("XYZ") prints stringified representation of $obj

    NOTE: As a matter of fact, some people actually write their class's methods - those that CAN work this way - to explicitly work in ALL 3 (or first 2) cases, no matter how the method is called.

like image 148
DVK Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11