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Is there a way to get Apache to serve files with the question mark in their name?



I scraped a bunch of pages using wget -m -k -E. The resulting files have names in the form foo.php?bar.html. Apache guesses everything after the ? is a query string, is there a way to tell it to ignore the ? as the query string delimiter (and see foo.php?bar.html as the requested file and not foo.php)?

To save you a trip to wget manpage:
-m : mirror recursively
-E : foo.php?bar becomes foo.php?bar.html
-k : convert links in pages (foo.php?bar now links to foo.php?bar.html inside of all the pages so they display properly)

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ldrg Avatar asked Mar 18 '10 05:03


2 Answers

Would escaping the ? as %3F do the trick?

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Nathan Osman Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 04:11

Nathan Osman

Apache v1 used to handle them, however v2 does not.

I did it using mod_rewrite. Nathans' suggestion in a form of code:

RewriteEngine On 

# Convert ? -> %3F in queries and add .html to the end of the filename
RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} !200 
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^$ 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1\%3F%{QUERY_STRING}.html [L,NE]

# An addition for *.php files without question mark in its name, adding html to the end of the filename
RewriteRule ^(.*?)\.php$ $1.php.html
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Artur Čuvašov Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 04:11

Artur Čuvašov