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Is there a way to freeze a column in a vuetify data table?



I cannot find a good solution to this without using a vuetify fork, which isn't stable and appears to be the older version anyway. I will link to it in the comments.

The only way I can think to do this is to line up two data tables side by side, which creates problems in itself. I know there are other plugins/libraries that allow this, but I would really prefer to stick with vuetify. Has anyone had success with doing this?

My project is to create a grid that allows the user to set up a rotation. Each column (after the first one) is a dynamically created week (Friday's date is column header) that shows if there is an opening in a given organization. The struggle is to get enough weeks to show up on the screen at once. The first column is the organization. So, I want to know what organization my row is in for a given week as I scroll to the right. That's why I need to freeze the first column.

I'm open to other solutions - like a different way to show the header, perhaps, that would allow me to fit in 52 weeks worth of dates.

like image 616
tadsligar Avatar asked Oct 28 '22 00:10


1 Answers

I am also searching for a solution to this. The nearest I have found is this complex bit of CSS Source

  table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1),
  table > thead > tr > th:nth-child(1) {
    position: sticky !important;
    position: -webkit-sticky !important;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 9998;
    background: white;
  table > thead > tr > th:nth-child(1) {
    z-index: 9999;

However, it doesn't quite work for my case.

I have something like this

Account           Jan    Feb    Mar
123456             50     51    52
123458             38     39    32
123600             20     21    22

So what I am looking for is the Excel equivalent of putting a freeze panes on the Jan,123456 intersection, so that the months stay in place when scrolling down, and the Account column stays in place when scrolling to the right.

I set the fixed-header and :height property on the v-data-table so that the header does not scroll vertically and so that it has a vertical scroll bar. The horizontal scroll bar seems to happen automatically and is specific to the table rather than the page.

Without the CSS the vertical scrolling works, though obviously not the horizontal scrolling as the Account column scrolls off screen to the left.

With the CSS the account numbers stay in position, but the headings still scroll to the left, so eg Jan replaces Account. Also when scrolling down, the Account Numbers scroll up to overwrite Account. It is closer to a solution than the basics provided by Vuetify.

I also saw the example from someone who had cloned vuetify and modified it to include fixed columns and grouping. However, I was not sure whether that was vuetify 1.5 or 2 and I have already had issues with seeing examples on 1.5 and then finding that they don't work on vue 2 which I am using as there were so many breaking changes. Like you I am also wary of adopting something that may not be supported.

I am surprised that Vuetify did not include this. It must be a pretty common requirement. I have seen an enhancement request for Vuetify 3, but it is too early to adopt that and presumably it would also mean adopting Vue 3.


Paul Simon

like image 111
Paul Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11
