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Is there a way to force docker-machine to create vm with a specific ip?

Is there a way to force docker-machine to create the docker vm with a specific ip (assuming that ip is available)?

like image 993
ashic Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 13:12


People also ask

What is Docker machine IP?

Usually Docker uses the default 172.17. 0.0/16 subnet for container networking.

1 Answers

That is actively requested in docker/machine issue 1709

I want to be able to specify the IP address of a VM (i.e. the value that's listed under "URL" in docker-machine ls) when I create it with docker-machine create.

I want this because I've been relying on boot2docker's default address of, but now it varies from machine to machine.

The current workaround:

My virtualbox has dhcp range - 255 and I want to set an IP before 100.

I've found a simple trick to set a static IP: after create a machine, I run this command and restart the machine:

echo "ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast up" | docker-machine ssh prova-discovery sudo tee /var/lib/boot2docker/bootsync.sh > /dev/null 

This command create a file bootsync.sh that is searched by boot2docker startup scripts and executed.

Now during machine boot the command is executed and set static IP.

docker-machine ls NAME              ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                                      SWARM test-1                      -        virtualbox     Running   tcp://      test-1 (master) 

Michele Tedeschi (micheletedeschi) adds

I've updated the commands with:

echo "kill `more /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid`\nifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast up" | docker-machine ssh prova-discovery sudo tee /var/lib/boot2docker/bootsync.sh > /dev/null 

then run command (only the first time)

docker-machine regenerate-certs prova-discovery 

now the IP will not be changed by the DHCP

(replace prova-discovery by the name of your docker-machine)

Here is the (Windows) script (dmvbf.bat) I now use, based on what is above:

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set machine=%1 if "%machine%" == "" (     echo dmvbf expects a machine name     exit /b 1 ) set ipx=%2 if "%ipx%" == "" (     echo dmvbf x missing ^(for 192.168.x.y^)     exit /b 2 ) set ipy=%3 if "%ipy%" == "" (     echo dmvbf y missing ^(for 192.168.x.y^)     exit /b 3 )  echo kill $(more /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid) | docker-machine ssh %machine% sudo tee /var/lib/boot2docker/bootsync.sh >NUL echo ifconfig eth1 192.168.%ipx%.%ipy% netmask broadcast 192.168.%ipx%.255 up | docker-machine ssh %machine% sudo tee -a /var/lib/boot2docker/bootsync.sh >NUL echo route add default gw <gateway ip address here> | docker-machine ssh %machine% sudo tee -a /var/lib/boot2docker/bootsync.sh >NUL  docker-machine ssh %machine% "sudo cat /var/run/udhcpc.eth1.pid | xargs sudo kill"  docker-machine ssh %machine% "sudo ifconfig eth1 192.168.%ipx%.%ipy% netmask broadcast 192.168.%ipx%.255 up" 

(Note: on Windows 10, Monty Wild comments that it is udhcpc.eth0.pid, not udhcpc.eth1.pid)

I start the vm (docker-machine start <machine-name>), and then:

 dmvbf <machine-name> 99 101 

I do that only once.

At the next docker-machine start <machine-name>, the IP will be

like image 140
VonC Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
