Is there a way to dynamically execute code contained in a string using .net 2.0, in a similar way to eval() in javascript or using sp_executeSQL in tsql?
I have a string value in a variable that I want to manipulate at some point in my application - so the code would essentially be string manipulation. I don't know what different manipulations will be needed so i'd like them to be configurable.
I don't really care what language the dynamic code is written in, whatever is easiest to implement and simple enough to write.
For example I might want to replace instances of '.' character with '-', or strip out all spaces, or similar. If I was doing this in sql I'd use dynamic sql, but I want to execute it in .net code, something like this:
// Get the value to be manipulated
string s = ... // wherever s comes from
// Get the manipulation code, eg this might come from a database
// setting that can be changed without recompiling the .net code.
string manipulation = Settings.GetSomeValue("ManipulationSetting");
// This is what I want to know how to do: apply some manipulation to the string.
string result = MagicDynamicEvalClass.Eval(manipulation, s);
// Now I would do stuff with the result.
I could possibly just use regex find/replace expressions. Since all i'm doing is string manipulation this should be sufficient provided I can write clever enough regular expressions. eg:
// Get the value to be manipulated
string s = ... // wherever s comes from
// Get the code to use to manipulate s, eg this might come from a database
// setting that can be changed without recompiling the .net code.
string findRegex = Settings.GetSomeValue("RegexPattern");
string replaceRegex = Settings.GetSomeValue("RegexReplace");
// This is what I want to know how to do: apply some manipulation to the string.
string result = Regex.Replace(s, findRegex, replaceRegex);
// Now I can do stuff with the result.
But in some cases my manipulation requirement might exceed what's possible with regex, or I might want to apply multiple steps, eg replace '.' with '-' and also strip spaces. Perhaps I could store a list of find/replace regexes and iterate over them... but anyone have a better suggestion?
UPDATE - example using dynamic sql
I don't want a solution that requires me to know in advance what manipulations are possible, and I'm really looking for something simple. eg in sql I'd do something like this:
declare @s nvarchar(1000)
declare @manipulation nvarchar(1000)
declare @result nvarchar(1000)
-- ... Get the values from wherever they come from
-- Execute the manipulation dynamically
EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @stmt = @manipulation
, @params = N'@s nvarchar(1000), @result nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT'
, @s = @s, @result = @result OUTPUT
Then I could put arbitrary sql into my @manipulation, something like this SET @result = REPLACE( REPLACE( @s, '.', '-'), ' ', '' )
Yes, this would require me to be careful about what values are allowed to be put into @manipulation, but it would give me the flexibility I need in future.
A similar approach would be possible in javascript I guess, using eval().
UPDATE - example using MSScript control from .net:
This seems like a possible approach, although perhaps overkill for the simple case I want to deal with. It uses the Microsoft Script Control library to allow execution of arbitrary VBScript.
It's not tooo hard ;) I put together a little example. This should help you decide if you want to use dynamic scripts.. or regexes.
What you can do is create an interface in your assembly, which your dynamic code will implement:
namespace CompileScriptExample
public interface IStringManipulator
string processString(string aString);
Then create a ScriptRunner class:
namespace CompileScriptExample
public class ScriptRunner
public static string RunScript(string scriptCode, string scriptParameter)
CodeDomProvider provider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();
//configure parameters
CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters();
parameters.GenerateExecutable = false;
parameters.GenerateInMemory = true;
parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = false;
string reference;
// Set reference to current assembly - this reference is a hack for the example..
reference = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, new string[] { scriptCode });
if (results.Errors.Count == 0)
IStringManipulator compiledScript=(IStringManipulator)FindInterface(results.CompiledAssembly, "IStringManipulator");
return compiledScript.processString(scriptParameter);//run the script, pass the string param..
foreach(CompilerError anError in results.Errors)
//handle compilation errors here
//..use results.errors collection
throw new Exception("Compilation error...");
private static object FindInterface(Assembly anAssembly, string interfaceName)
// find our interface type..
foreach (Type aType in anAssembly.GetTypes())
if (aType.GetInterface(interfaceName, true) != null)
return anAssembly.CreateInstance(aType.FullName);
return null;
Now all you have to do is create a script string with code that implements your interface like..
string myScriptString=@"using CompileScriptExample;
public class MyStringManipulator : IStringManipulator
public string processString(string aString)
return aString+aString;
and then.. in your code, make use of the ScriptRunner to process your string with your dynamic code:
string processedString = ScriptRunner.RunScript(myScriptString, "hello");
I know you're after C# but the code I have for this is in VB. You could translate it easily enough using Developer Fusion's VB to C# converter. I used it on a project to allow users to add complex calculations into their application at runtime. It compiles their VB code into a library in memory and then runs the code returning the resulting output. It could be repurposed fairly easily for what you're attempting to do.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Math
Module Module1
Function Evaluate(ByVal Expression As String, ByVal Args() As Object) As Object
If Expression.Length > 0 Then
'Replace each parameter in the calculation expression with the correct values
Dim MatchStr = "{(\d+)}"
Dim oMatches = Regex.Matches(Expression, MatchStr)
If oMatches.Count > 0 Then
Dim DistinctCount = (From m In oMatches _
Select m.Value).Distinct.Count
If DistinctCount = Args.Length Then
For i = 0 To Args.Length - 1
Expression = Expression.Replace("{" & i & "}", Args(i))
Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid number of parameters passed")
End If
End If
Dim FuncName As String = "Eval" & Guid.NewGuid.ToString("N")
Dim FuncString As String = "Imports System.Math" & vbCrLf & _
"Namespace EvaluatorLibrary" & vbCrLf & _
" Class Evaluators" & vbCrLf & _
" Public Shared Function " & FuncName & "() As Double" & vbCrLf & _
" " & Expression & vbCrLf & _
" End Function" & vbCrLf & _
" End Class" & vbCrLf & _
"End Namespace"
'Tell the compiler what language was used
Dim CodeProvider As CodeDomProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VB")
'Set up our compiler options...
Dim CompilerOptions As New CompilerParameters()
With CompilerOptions
.GenerateInMemory = True
.TreatWarningsAsErrors = True
End With
'Compile the code that is to be evaluated
Dim Results As CompilerResults = _
CodeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(CompilerOptions, FuncString)
'Check there were no errors...
If Results.Errors.Count > 0 Then
'Run the code and return the value...
Dim dynamicType As Type = Results.CompiledAssembly.GetType("EvaluatorLibrary.Evaluators")
Dim methodInfo As MethodInfo = dynamicType.GetMethod(FuncName)
Return methodInfo.Invoke(Nothing, Nothing)
End If
Return 0
End If
Return 0
End Function
End Module
I set up my dynamic code like this:
Dim Expr As String = " If ({0} < 20000) Then" & vbCrLf & _
" Return Max(15, Min(75,0.12*{0}))" & vbCrLf & _
" Else" & vbCrLf & _
" Return Max(75,0.05*{0})" & vbCrLf & _
" End If"
And then set up some arguments for the expression and execute:
Dim Args As New List(Of String)
While True
Dim Val As String = Console.ReadLine
If IsNumeric(Val) Then
Dim dblOut As Object = Evaluate(Expr, Args.ToArray)
Exit While
End If
End While
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