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Is there a way to draw UML in Visio for Java?





I have Visio2007 and I really like it. However, it doesn't seem to have UML model/datatypes for Java. Is there some template I can download for Java? Or should I just forget about Visio altogether and get an Elipse plugin?


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tomato Avatar asked Jan 14 '09 06:01


People also ask

How do you create a UML diagram in Java?

In the Project tool window, right-click a package for which you want to create a diagram and select Diagrams | Show Diagram Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U ). In the list that opens, select Java Class Diagram. IntelliJ IDEA generates a UML diagram for classes and their dependencies.

Do UML diagrams support Java?

"Java is a platform independent, object oriented, general purpose programming language designed to support software distribution and used to create interactive applications. Java developers can visualize the structure and behavior of Java systems using standard UML diagrams in Enterprise Architect."

Can Visio draw UML?

As you saw from the above-mentioned steps, you can draw a UML diagram in Visio, but it will take an enormous amount of time and effort.

1 Answers

I had the same question, but then I messed around with it until I figured it out. Now, bear with me; this is the first time I have ever posted a response to an answer. Since I figured it out I thought I should transfer my brain’s data into your brain (eww.. we’re interfacing).

Now to business... You can actually make up your own package and data types. What I did was I went to the Model Explorer tab on the left. Then, I right-clicked on IDL Data Types, and then I clicked Duplicate (since I didn’t want to make my own from scratch and it pretty much has what I want). It will then make a new package called "Package 1". Right-click on it and select Rename; I renamed mine to “Java Data Types” since that is what I am making, but you can name it “Underpants” if you want. Then, I opened my new package and right-clicked each data type, one at a time, and selected Properties. Then it will open up the UML Property Editor. From there, click on Name, then remove the word “idl” from inside the brackets, so “boolean(idl)” now says ”boolean()”.

Now, one other thing: There is no int data type, so you need to make one. It is pretty easy; just right-click on your newly created folder, click New, then click Data Type. It should open the UML Datatypes Properties window. Now, click inside the Name tab, type in “int()”, then click OK. And you’re all done.

See, that wasn’t so bad. Heck if I can do it, you definitely should be able to do it. I hope this was understandable and helpful. If not, well I guess I have failed you and I should now fall on my sword to save my honor.

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user276646 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
