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Is there a way to do an Upload Progress Indicator for CarrierWave / Fog?

I'm using CarrierWave / Fog in a Rails application to upload videos to Amazon S3.

Is there a way to determine the progress of the upload, so that I can display the upload progress being made?

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tdewell Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 16:03


2 Answers

CarrierWave and Fog don't have that kind of functionality natively; you'll need a front-end uploader to display progress stuff. When I had to solve this problem I used jQuery file upload because I already had jQuery in my stack. There's even a post on CarrierWave integration so you can just follow the instructions there to get a progress bar working for your app.

like image 118
Veraticus Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 15:11


Have a look at this,


like image 42
rubiojr Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11
