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Is there a way to display NODE_ENV from the command line?



People also ask

How can I see the process environment variable?

Solved: start by typing node and pressing enter, then type process. env and press enter.

How do you access an environment variable named NODE_ENV?

Accessing NODE_ENV: We can access NODE_ENV like any other environment variable using process and env of NodeJS as we have already seen while learning about environment variables. We can write environment-specific code by checking the value of NODE_ENV by using process. env. NODE_ENV.

Where does process env NODE_ENV come from?

Node. js exposes the current process's environment variables to the script as an object called process. env. From there, the Express web server framework popularized using an environment variable called NODE_ENV as a flag to indicate whether the server should be running in “development” mode vs “production” mode.

How do I see process env in react?

You can access it from process. env. NODE_ENV . This variable changes based on what mode you are currently in.

Use echo $NODE_ENV. The command line is a shell, probably bash and that's the bash syntax to print the value of an environment variable.

If you have defined NODE_ENV variable then you should be able to see this by typing node in the command prompt which will open the node cell and then type process.env.NODE_ENV.

To check the existing env variables .. type this .. process.env

You call list all variables for Macs available for your project directory with...


I use this often to look for the NODE_ENV and other variables.

go to node REPL, and then give process.env.NODE_ENV and the variable process is scoped inside nodejs process, not in your shell process.

sk3037@saravana:~/src$ node
> process.env.

Setp-by-step windows CMD NODE_ENV:

  1. set NODE_ENV=my_node_env (defines NODE_ENV)

  2. node (run node)

  3. process.env.NODE_ENV (show NODE_ENV)

After "set NODE_ENV" you can run the application, and it will use the set NODE_ENV. You can run your application with custom environment in pm2 without problem.