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Is there a way to disable "remove source branch" default option?



We are working on Gitlab and each time I start merging a branch, Gitlab makes the option "Remove source branch" checked by default (which is -I think- dangerous).

enter image description here

As I don't guarantee that me or a colleague can forget to uncheck this option and make the mistake of removing the branch, I'm wondering if there is a solution to make it unchecked by default (which is -I think- will be more secure)?

like image 473
Ala Eddine JEBALI Avatar asked Jul 12 '17 10:07

Ala Eddine JEBALI

Video Answer

1 Answers

  1. Go to Settings > General > Merge requests
  2. Uncheck the box: Enable 'Delete source branch' option by default

This option is only available for the maintaniner role.

like image 195
exud Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
