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Is there a way to compare 2 Strings without it being case-sensitive? [duplicate]

I've just spent almost hour debugging a List<String> in my code which was being sorted wrong by my Comparator.

Turns out that string.compareTo(string2) is case-sensitive. Meaning that all Capital letters come before the lowercase letters. e.g. "Z" comes before "d".

Is there any better way of comparing 2 Strings inside a Comparatorand sorting them alphabetically ascending without them being case sensitive other then string.toLowerCase().compareTo(string2.toLowerCase()); ?

Edit: There's a possibility of any accented letter appearing in my String like for example: ä, ö, ü, é, è, etc.

like image 713
D.Mendes Avatar asked Nov 16 '18 09:11


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You could set the entire string to lower case by using the String prototype method toLowerCase () and compare the two that way. To keep the input the same, mutate the string during your switch statement: You should always compare uppercase string with uppercase values in case sensitive languages. Or lower with lower.

1 Answers

You have two options provided in String itself:

  • String.compareToIgnoreCase(String): case insensitive variant of compareTo)
  • String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER: Comparator that has the same ordering as compareToIgnoreCase
  • or, for more advanced options like locale-specific rules, java.text.Collator and java.text.RuleBasedCollator

As a tip: your first stop should be the Javadoc, not post a question on Stack Overflow: the Javadoc is extensive and will usually provide a quick answer.

like image 183
Mark Rotteveel Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Mark Rotteveel