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Is there a way to combine LINQ and async

Basically I have a procedure like

var results = await Task.WhenAll(
    from input in inputs
    select Task.Run(async () => await InnerMethodAsync(input))
private static async Task<Output> InnerMethodAsync(Input input)
    var x = await Foo(input);
    var y = await Bar(x);
    var z = await Baz(y);
    return z;

and I'm wondering whether there's a fancy way to combine this into a single LINQ query that's like an "async stream" (best way I can describe it).

like image 958
user7127000 Avatar asked Jun 01 '18 05:06


People also ask

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Note that there are no async versions of some LINQ operators such as Where or OrderBy, because these only build up the LINQ expression tree and don't cause the query to be executed in the database. Only operators which cause query execution have async counterparts.

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LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is uniform query syntax in C# and VB.NET to retrieve data from different sources and formats. It is integrated in C# or VB, thereby eliminating the mismatch between programming languages and databases, as well as providing a single querying interface for different types of data sources.

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1 Answers

When you use LINQ, there are generally two parts to it: creation and iteration.


var query = list.Select( a => a.Name);

These calls are always synchronous. But this code doesn't do much more than create an object that exposes an IEnumerable. The actual work isn't done till later, due to a pattern called deferred execution.


var results = query.ToList();

This code takes the enumerable and gets the value of each item, which typically will involve the invocation of your callback delegates (in this case, a => a.Name ). This is the part that is potentially expensive, and could benefit from asychronousness, e.g. if your callback is something like async a => await httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(a).

So it's the iteration part that we're interested in, if we want to make it async.

The issue here is that ToList() (and most of the other methods that force iteration, like Any() or Last()) are not asynchronous methods, so your callback delegate will be invoked synchronously, and you’ll end up with a list of tasks instead of the data you want.

We can get around that with a piece of code like this:

public static class ExtensionMethods
    static public async Task<List<T>> ToListAsync<T>(this IEnumerable<Task<T>> This)
        var tasks = This.ToList();     //Force LINQ to iterate and create all the tasks. Tasks always start when created.
        var results = new List<T>();   //Create a list to hold the results (not the tasks)
        foreach (var item in tasks)
            results.Add(await item);   //Await the result for each task and add to results list
        return results;

With this extension method, we can rewrite your code:

var results = await inputs.Select( async i => await InnerMethodAsync(i) ).ToListAsync();

^That should give you the async behavior you're looking for, and avoids creating thread pool tasks, as your example does.

Note: If you are using LINQ-to-entities, the expensive part (the data retrieval) isn't exposed to you. For LINQ-to-entities, you'd want to use the ToListAsync() that comes with the EF framework instead.

Try it out and see the timings in my demo on DotNetFiddle.

like image 188
John Wu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

John Wu