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Is there a way to be notified when a clojure future finishes?



Is there a way to set a watch on a future so that it triggers a callback when it is done?

something like this?

> (def a (future (Thread/sleep 1000) "Hello World!")
> (when-done a (println @a))

...waits for 1sec...
;; =>  "Hello World"
like image 371
zcaudate Avatar asked May 02 '13 23:05


2 Answers

You can start another task that watches the future and then runs the function. In this case I'll just use another future. Which wraps up nicely into a when-done function:

user=> (defn when-done [future-to-watch function-to-call] 
          (future (function-to-call @future-to-watch)))
user=> (def meaning-of-the-universe 
         (let [f (future (Thread/sleep 10000) 42)] 
            (when-done f #(println "future available and the answer is:" %)) 

... waiting ...

user=> future available and the answer is: 42
user=> @meaning-of-the-universe
like image 196
Arthur Ulfeldt Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 19:01

Arthur Ulfeldt

An extension to the accepted answer

please note the following caveat:

with the above when-done implementation the callback will not be invoked if the future is cancelled. That is

  (def f0 (future (Thread/sleep 1000)))
  (when-done f0 (fn [e] (println "THEN=>" e)))
  (Thread/sleep 500)
  (future-cancel f0))

will not print because the deref call on the cancelled future will raise an exception.

If you need callbacks to happen i suggest:

(defn then
  "Run a future waiting on another, and invoke
  the callback with the exit value if the future completes,
  or invoke the callback with no args if the future is cancelled"
  [fut cb]
      (cb @fut)
      (catch java.util.concurrent.CancellationException e

So now this will print:

    (def f0 (future (Thread/sleep 1000)))
    (then f0 (fn
               ([] (println "CANCELLED"))
               ([e] (println "THEN=>" e))))
    (Thread/sleep 500)
    (future-cancel f0))

like image 23
Bandoos Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 19:01
